Friday, October 22, 2010

Sweet Success

This is about a great guy who has always had a passion for outdoor activities.  He is a wicked wake-boarder and is about one of the most solid guys around.  Cody Tracy was injured in an ATV accident several years ago and since has faced a number of challenges in returning to the wild.  One of the challenges Cody has faced is adjusting his hunting style.  Unable to draw a bow or climb trees, he has adapted and become deadly accurate with a crossbow and a stealthy blind hunter.  With some modifications to his wheelchair he found his way back into the woods this year.  After a few close encounters, Cody finally got it done last night and smoked a doe at 35 yards!

Best deer of the year!  Not sure who was more excited...Cody or his Uncle Danny who gets the assist! 

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