Monday, February 8, 2016

To prepare for the big game Daisy and I went on a SUPER goose hunt. 

The stars may never align like this one single sports year I was able to watch my two favorite teams win World Championships!!! 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Great Season

People keep telling me this was a poor waterfowl season and the migration was "messed-up".  We hunted well in excess of 50 times during the season and found birds on every hunt.  Alternating between river hunts, field hunts and pond hunts was a must, also, constant scouting was a key ingredient to success this year.  We often found birds in areas where just a few days prior we had not seen them.  They seemed to do a lot of bouncing around, whereas in years past they would stay in one area until forced out by hunting pressure or ice.