Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cheers to You, Fall

Yesterday marked the first day of Autumn, hand up if this is your favorite time of year!  To mark the arrival of the new equinox we even busted out some Fall / Halloween decorations.  The act prompted a serious debate with the Queen on the accepted timing of décor placement.  My obsessive compulsive tendencies dictate a regimented schedule for autumn activities:  Sept. 1- begin burning apple scented candles; Sept. 15- transition to apple/pumpkin candles, begin eating peanuts mixed with 3:1 ratio of candy corn; Oct 1- pumpkin candles, decorate with pumpkins & mums and commence baking all things pumpkin.      


The arrival of the glorious season marks the awakening of our shotguns from their summer slumber.  Dove hunting on indian summer evenings really gives you all the feelings!  Nothing humbles you quicker than trying to hit a walnut sized target whizzing through the air at 100 mph.

By the time I am mixing candy corns with peanuts and searching for caramel covered green apple suckers, it's time for early teal season.  Early Teal Season is a gateway season for regular duck season which is still a few weeks away.