Wednesday, April 27, 2016

10 Minute Hunt

I am not exactly sure how many miles I have put on my truck during the first month of Turkey Season, but it feels like thousands.  After helping two youth take their first long beards, I was able to get out by myself for a hunt which took all of 10 minutes!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

30th Anniversary Kansas Governor's Turkey Hunt

This year marked the 30th anniversary of the Kansas Governor's Turkey Hunt.  The Hunt is the longest running of its type in the Country.  I was honored to take Kaleb Davis of Winchester, Tennessee.  Kaleb entered the NWTF Jake's Essay Competition and his essay titled "Today's Conservation and Tomorrow's Heritage" won him a spot in the Governor's Hunt.  Kaleb was accompanied to Kansas by his father Jimmy Davis.

After hunting hard all morning we called in reinforcements!  We got the best turkey caller in the world...literally!  Billy Yargus winner of the 2016 Grand National Turkey Calling Championship and World Turkey Calling Championship joined us and was easily able to call in Kaleb's very first turkey!